Our advantages
Location in the very center of Moscow

3 minutes walk - Kremlin, Alexander Garden and Manezhnaya Square

Rooms with a Kremlin view

The opportunity to enjoy a unique view

Transport accessibility

2 minutes walk - Metro Library imeni Leninа and Arbatskaya

Privileges and best price guarantee when booking online

Daily provision in the room, providing free early check-in, late check-out and upgrade of the category, subject to availability of rooms

Online Booking
Visa support

Hotel accommodation

Standard room
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Standard Kremlin View
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Superior Kremlin View
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Junior Suite
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Book online on the web site - get a special rates.
Valid until the end of the year at the MIRROS Hotel Moscow Kremlin.
More about offer
Book on the website - get unique benefits

Book on the website - get unique benefits

By booking rooms on the official website, you are guaranteed to receive additional privileges!
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Restaurants and bars

Food is an integral and important part of staying in the Hotel. We took care of that also!

Hotel services

Which will definitely make your stay more comfortable.

MIRROS Hotel Moscow Kremlin


It is difficult to find a hotel in Moscow with such a unique feature as the view from the rooms to the Kremlin.

But not only this makes MIRROS stand out among city hotels: a high level of service, comfortable rooms, a wide range of additional services, as well as optimal walking and transport accessibility to the main attractions and main exhibition halls makes it equally attractive for travel and business trips.

Discover Moscow sightseeings

All the main sights of the capital are within walking distance from the MIRROR Hotel Moscow Kremlin

Contact Information

10 bldg 1, Mokhovaya st., Moscow, Russia, 119019
8 (800) 500-60-37